Cold Hardiness and Climate Zones
- Blueberries NZ Inc
- www.plantandfood.co.nz
- www.feijoa.org.nz
- www.hortnet.co.nz
- www.passionfruit.org.nz
- Blueberries For Growers, Gardeners, Promoters - Norman F. Childers & Paul M. Lyrene, Editors.
- Temperate and Subtropical Fruit Production, 2nd Edition - Edited by D.I.Jackson and N.E. Looney, CABI Publishing
- Feijoas, Origins, Cultivation and Uses - Grant Thorpe & Rod Bieleski.
- The Tamarillo Growers Handbook - Available from Tamarillo Growers Association (info@tamarillo.com)
- Growing Figs in New Zealand - Eric Cairns, New Zealand Tree Crops Association Inc