Welcome to Tharfield Nursery Ltd
We specialise in contract growing for commercial producers and welcome the opportunity to supply your needs.
Tharfield Nursery is a licensed propagator for:
- Plant and Food Research Ltd
- Blueberries New Zealand Inc
- New Zealand Berryfruit Propagators
- A & J Firmin
Our modern nursery is located 5 minutes South of Katikati in the sunny Bay of Plenty and incorporates propagation/grafting units, crop covers, shade houses and extensive outdoor growing areas.
The nursery also includes 2 hectares of mature gardens that are used for plant trials and crop research and development as well as providing the large amounts of propagation material required to fulfil our production targets.
This website will provide you with:
- Cultural information on proven commercial crops and other fruits that may have commercial potential.
- Useful links.
- Recommended Reading Material.
Thank you for visiting our website
Andrew and Fiona Boylan